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Renting in 6 steps

You are considering renting a house. It is important to know which steps you need to take and what you can expect from us, Schep Vastgoedmanagers.


What rental price suits you?

We use an income standard of 3.5 to 4.5 times the basic rent. You can use the calculator below to calculate your maximum rent. Please note that we work for several clients. The income standard may vary per property.

Some municipalities require a housing permit. A maximum income may also apply for this housing permit. As a result, you may earn too much for certain properties and we may therefore not be able to assign you the accommodation. If a housing permit is applicable, this will always be stated in the advertisement text.

Uw huurbedrag:€ 0,00€ 0,00

What do we count as income?

Your gross annual salary, holiday bonus and any thirteenth month define your income. Other bonuses and variables do not count as income. The only exception to this rule is the irregular working hours bonus that is included in your salary. If you would like to know your maximum rent, please divide your income by 48.

Do you want to rent together with your partner?

We will first ask you to prove that you and your partner are in a so-called sustainable household. If this is the case, you can rent together and enter the income of you and your partner in the calculator below. It is important to know that the lowest income counts for half.

Please note: We do not rent to students, unless it is student housing. Property-shares or third-party guarantee providers are not allowed.

You are employed or self-employed:

If you are employed, we will ask you for a recent employer's statement. If you are self-employed, you must have been operating your business for at least 1 year. We will ask you for an annual report signed by an accountant. Important to know: We ask for a bank guarantee or deposit of 3 months’ rent if you are self-employed.

You are retired.

Your pension(s) and state pension(s) define your income. If your partner also has pension(s), half of it is taken into account. You are eligible for a lower income standard of 3.5 times the basic rent.

Extra Income.

10% of your savings may be added to your annual income. Child alimony does not count as income, partner alimony however does.


Find a suitable property

Now that you have calculated what your maximum rent is, you can take a look at the available properties on our website.

For future housing offers, you can create a search profile. This search profile contains your preferences: where and what you are looking for. You will receive an automatic email, every time a new property is available that meets your preferences. Creating a search profile is free of charge and without obligation.

Are you interested in a property? Then please reply for a viewing as quickly as possible on our website. We will contact the first candidate(s) for a viewing.




There are two possible situations for viewing a property:

Viewing with the current tenant:

In this case, you can make an appointment with the current tenant to come and view the property. This is between you and the current tenant: we will not be present. If you are invited for a viewing with the current tenant, you are the first candidate for this property.

A normal viewing:

Together with other candidates, you’ll get the opportunity to view the property. When you have an appointment for a viewing, you are marked by us as a 'candidate'. Candidates can upload the required documents in their IDD-account. The candidate who is the first to upload all of their documents and confirms that they would like to rent the property, gets the first option on the property. Therefore, it is useful to collect all the required documents before the viewing. You can find a checklist of all required documents on our website under the heading 'FAQ & downloads'


Document check

Once we receive your documents, and if you are the first candidate, we will check your documents and look at your payment history. We will report any cases of fraud to the police. Finally, your file will be submitted internally for approval. If your file is approved, we will contact you to schedule the key transfer.

If there is reason to do so, in compliance with the Privacy Act, your file will be submitted to the owner of the property. For more information, please read our privacy disclaimer. This process usually takes a few days.



Signing the rental agreement

The property has been assigned to you. The verbal agreement means that you cannot change your mind anymore. If you decide to renounce after a verbal agreement, costs will be charged. These costs are at least € 250.00. Read more about the rental conditions here.

You can sign the rental agreement digitally. You will receive the rental agreement and the instructions for the signing a few days before the key transfer.


Key transfer

It is important that we receive the deposit or bank guarantee before the key transfer. Otherwise, we are not allowed to proceed with the key transfer.

During the key transfer, you and the technical supervisor inspect the property. Any defects can be easily spotted and repaired. The inspection report is digital and you receive a copy of it by email.

If you would like to take over any goods of the previous tenant, such as flooring, curtains or lamps, we will draw up an extra report. You, the previous tenant and our supervisor need to sign this report. To avoid wasting time, the final inspection of the previous tenant sometimes coincides with the key transfer with you as the new tenant.

Now everything is settled! You can start moving in and decorating. We wish you lots of happiness in your new home!


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