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Schep Vastgoedmanagers "Room for your future"

We are experts in housing. Schep Vastgoedmanagers is always the right choice for rental properties as well as for the HOA (Home Owners Association) management.

Schep Vastgoedmanagers is a real estate management organization with over 36,000 rental and owned properties under management, making us one of the top three largest independent real estate managers in the Netherlands.

Schep specializes in the property management of rental homes and the Homeowners' Association (HOA) management of owned properties (over 415 HOAs).

The organization has 5 propositions, namely Schep Woningmanagers, Schep Verhuurmanagers, Schep VvE Managers, Schep Nieuwbouwmanagers, and Schep Adviseurs & Datamanagers.

Schep Vastgoedmanagers operates throughout the Netherlands, with a concentration in the Randstad region and the Brabant cities.

Its offices are located in: The Hague (WTC), Utrecht, Rotterdam, and Zoetermeer (headquarters).

Approximately 180 employees are actively engaged in providing services to tenants/users and managing the real estate at Schep Vastgoedmanagers.

In addition to the core activities of a real estate manager (commercial management, technical & facility management, financial & administrative management, and rental activities), there has been a strong shift in recent years towards both hospitality management and data management.

Since 2012, Schep Vastgoedmanagers has been continuously ISAE 3402 Type II certified.


Part of Schep Groep

Schep Vastgoedmanagers is one of the operating companies of the Schep Groep. The Schep Groep has its origins in dairy farming since 1896 and began in real estate in 1971 due to land ownership. Over the years, several organizations in the field of real estate have been added to the Schep Groep. See also:

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Wij zijn aanwezig bij PROVADA 2024

Over twee weken is het weer zover, PROVADA 2024. Ook dit jaar zijn wij met verschillende collega's van Schep Vastgoedmanagers van de partij. 

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We zijn live met het digitaal reparatieproces!

Vandaag hebben wij genoten van deze heerlijke taart! In samenwerking met Bouwinvest en Zig hebben wij een verbetering kunnen doorvoeren in ons reparatieproces!

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Een nieuwe woontoren aan de Papsouwelaan in Delft!

Begin mei vond de oplevering plaats van 35 (van de 85) woningen in de Porseleinen Toren in Delft. Het gebouw is onder andere voorzien van een skybar, dakterras, fantastische uitzichten over Delft, MyPup en deelmobiliteit.

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